Woods Bows


My philosophy on things that I love (and life):

If one is going to do (or make) something. Do it properly …

This is true for me as a musician and as a bow maker. As a musician I want to produce what is in my heart and my head, with as little effort as possible. I know how the music should sound, and my instrument (my tool if you will) should help me to do this.

Your bow should make your job as a string player as easy as possible. It should allow you to articulate with as little effort as possible, and produce the sound you have in mind. If you want to play with impeccable articulation and produce a beautiful sound in the style of music you choose, you need the right tool. The correct bow with which you can freely play that which is in your mind.

This is my aim with every bow I make. Be it an early baroque bow for Biber, a late classical bow for Mendelssohn or anything in between. And if this bow happens to look wonderful as well … that’s a bonus indeed!

Christipher Woods, musician and bowmaker